Welcome to the St. Elias The Prophet Church

Sunday Service Schedule

Orthros 9 AM

Divine Liturgy 10 AM

419 N. Grandview Ave.
Dubuque, IA 52001

If you have any questions, or need to contact our parish priest, please call.

Voice: (563) 583-5902
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StEliasProphet


Our Mission

St. Elias Church is dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in accordance with the Orthodox Christian tradition.


We seek to fulfill our mission by:

  • SUPPORTING the Church’s ministries through stewardship of time, talent, and treasure.

  • HELPING one another and our community through service and charitable outreach.

  • AFFIRMING a new life in Christ by living Orthodox Christian morals and virtues.

  • PROVIDING a welcoming, caring, and loving environment for all.

  • EMBRACING the spiritual life of the Orthodox Church through regular prayer, worship, and frequent participation in the sacraments.

  • ESTABLISHING a communion of friendship and fellowship for members and their families.


Upcoming Gyro Days

Please visit our Facebook page, @StEliasProphet for updates on Gyro Days.

You can also call us at 563-583-5902 for information.


Be Our Guest!

The Orthodox Church is the timeless Christian faith for all peoples, everywhere, and of all backgrounds. We'd love to greet you at any of our services. If you would like to learn more about Orthodox services, please see our "visitors" tab (click here) to learn more about how we worship before you come and visit.

Services are in English, though we do the Lord's Prayer in various languages (Orthodoxy is, after all, a universal faith). We love to welcome guests anytime.


"…our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love." 

Download the Stewardship Pledge Form



You're Invited to Come and See!

We believe that we exist to receive and share unconditional love, mercy, healing and peace, so that life has greater meaning and purpose. We just happen to be an Orthodox Christian Church in the Metropolis of Chicago with a history going back to the original apostles. If you, like us, believe this is what church should be, we invite you to be our guest.